FirstEnergy's Pennsylvania Default Service Program

Met-Ed, Penelec, Penn Power, and West Penn Power Historical Data by Class

Hourly Load by Class
Met-Ed Penelec Penn Power West Penn Power
Shopping Statistics
Met-Ed Penelec Penn Power West Penn Power
Capacity and Transmission PLC by Rate
Met-Ed Penelec Penn Power West Penn Power
Daily Zonal Scaling Factor
Met-Ed Penelec Penn Power West Penn Power
Deration Factor
PA Deration Factors
Met-Ed Penelec Penn Power West Penn Power
Unaccounted for Energy
PA Unaccounted for Energy
Met-Ed Penelec Penn Power West Penn Power

These data items are provided by the Companies for informational purposes only. The Companies have compiled the data in good faith from sources believed to be reliable but do not warrant the accuracy of the data. Further, the Companies do not state, represent or warrant that these data are indicative of future outcomes. By using these data, prospective suppliers and all other parties assume all risks associated with the data. Without limiting the foregoing, prospective bidders and all other parties should carefully assess the uncertainty associated with future load obligations, including variations in customer usage and migration to Electric Generation Suppliers which the Companies cannot predict.

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